Here is the news release in case you do not want to open the attachments FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Contact: Karin Holt, Foundation Director,
Lakselaget Offers Scholarships to Minnesota and Norwegian Women
Application Deadline: March 1, 2011
Minnesota-based Lakselaget will be offering scholarships for the eighth time in its nine-year history. The application deadline is March 1, 2011. Lakselaget offers scholarships to women who are Norwegian students wishing to study in Minnesota or at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, or to Minnesota women desiring to study in Norway. It also provides grants to Minnesota professional women who have the opportunity to work in Norway and to Norwegian women who have the opportunity to work in Minnesota. The grants are meant to supplement wages lost for experience gained. Applicants should have an interest in contemporary Norway and in the sciences, technology, business, politics, language and culture, or in the cooperation between the countries. The Lakselag Scholarship Fund was established to celebrate, encourage and advance the organization’s motto: women who swim against the current. Its goal is to promote international connections between Minnesota and Norway and allows recipients to obtain, teach and share knowledge that will benefit women in their complex roles in today’s society. Lakselaget is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for professional women and college and university students who are Norwegian, of Norwegian descent, or are interested in contemporary Norwegian issues and all things Norwegian. The organization meets the first Saturday of each month from October through May to network, mentor, eat salmon, and receive information from a variety of noteworthy speakers. Topics range from the arts to health, to history, to sports, to heritage and beyond. For detailed information and scholarship and opportunity fund applications, please visit